Scottish Private Law

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Scottish Private Law

1. The continental connection

Scots law has developed since its inception without codificatory intervention. Over the centuries, it has absorbed many different influences, thereby becoming a jewel of many different facets. From time to time, the courts even resort to pre-feudal Celtic law or Norwegian customary law in deciding cases before them. Above all, however, Scots law is characterized by the position it occupies at the crossroads between continental civil law and the English [[common law. While the ascendancy of King David I to the Scottish throne in 1124 initially thrust Anglo-Norman [[feudal law on to the Scots, the succession crisis at the end of the 13th century and the wars of independence, with the decisive Scottish victory at Bannockburn, created a strong and lasting antagonism towards England. This led to the Auld Alliance with France and an orientation towards continental Europe. Connected with it was a gradual [[reception of the learned laws, as they were taught at the European universities, which turned Scotland into a far-flung province of the [[ius commune. Scottish lawyers studied [[Roman law and [[canon law in the leading faculties of continental Europe: predominantly, at first, in Paris and Orléans (at the University of Orléans, an autonomous Scottish nation existed from the beginning of the 14th century); during the 15th century increasingly in Leuven and Cologne; while in the course of the 16th century, Bourges, the centre of legal [[humanism, attracted the largest number of Scottish students. This changed after the massacre of the Huguenots in 1572. In 1575 the University of Leiden was founded, which was to attain a leading position in 17th-century Europe. There was a steadily increasing number of Scottish students first at Leiden and later also at the other newly founded universities of the northern Netherlands ([[Roman-Dutch law). A biographical analysis of the 637 lawyers admitted to the Faculty of Advocates in Edinburgh between 1661 and 1730 has shown that no fewer than 275 of them had studied in the Netherlands. Thus, the works of the leading Dutch jurists were well-known in Scotland; they were regularly cited in legal practice as part and parcel of the ius commune library and exercised a significant influence on the Scottish institutional writers (see below).

2. The age of Enlightenment

Over the course of the 18th century, the ‘Scottish miracle’ occurred: in a nation that was initially dominated by a repressive and bigoted Presbyterianism, one of the most cultured societies in Europe developed. It made significant contributions to modern civilization. Edinburgh became the intellectual centre of the Scottish Enlightenment. Lord Kames’s Sketches of the History of Man, Frances Hutcheson’s System of Moral Philosophy, Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations, David Hume’s Treatise on Human Nature, Adam Fergusson’s Essay on the History of Civil Society and John Millar’s The Origin of the Distinction of Ranks are among the books that shaped the intellectual life of Europe. The Scottish universities, particularly those in Edinburgh and Glasgow, were of central importance for this unprecedented cultural transformation. The number of students rose from 400 in the 1690s to 1,300 in the last decade of the 18th century in Edinburgh and from 250 in 1696 to 1,240 in 1824 in Glasgow. Legal education flourished in both universities. Chairs of Civil Law were established in Edinburgh and Glasgow in 1710 and 1714, and a chair of Scots Law in Edinburgh in 1722. Since 1707 there had also been a chair of Public Law and the Law of Nature and Nations in the latter university. The [[institutional textbooks constitute the most important testimonies to the Scottish legal literature of that period. The publication of the Institutions of the Law of Scotland by James Dalrymple, Viscount Stair, in 1681, established Roman-Scots law in the same way as Hugo Grotius’s Inleidinge had previously fashioned Roman-Dutch law. Stair was succeeded by a number of other ‘institutional writers’, in particular Sir George Mackenzie; Andrew McDouall, Lord Bankton; John Erskine; and George Joseph Bell. They continue to be regarded as authoritative.

3. Scotland in the shadow of England

By the middle of the 19th century, the stream of young Scots who studied law at Dutch universities had virtually dried up. The law courses at Scottish universities were now favoured. This, as well as the Napoleonic wars and the success of the codification movement in countries such as France, Prussia, Austria, and the Netherlands, cut Scottish lawyers off from the contemporary [[ius commune. At the same time there was a marked decline in the study of [[Roman law, which started to be regarded as merely the historical basis, no longer a vital source, of Scots law. Its creative force appeared to have been spent. Scottish lawyers at this time tended to look to England for guidance. A number of factors combined to produce this shift of orientation. In 1603, James VI, King of Scotland, had inherited the English throne and in 1707, the Treaty of Union with England was ratified. In terms of that treaty, the Scots were guaranteed the survival of their own legal system. Nonetheless, the legislative power was now transferred to Parliament in London, and a doubtful interpretation of the treaty resulted in cases in Scots law being heard at the last instance by the House of Lords. Subsequently, the court system and the law of procedure were reformed and the doctrine of stare decisis gained influence. The Scottish advocates saw their role model in the English barrister. Following the Industrial Revolution, England offered many attractive career opportunities for the members of a nation which had always distinguished itself by restlessness and wanderlust and which had a comparatively highly developed tradition of school and university education. London, of course, was the centre of the British colonial Empire. But Scotsmen played such a prominent role in its conquest, settlement and administration, that it is sometimes referred to as a Scottish Empire. Scottish generals and regiments formed the backbone of the British army; Scottish aristocratic families, who lived in England for a large part of the year, were pillars of the political and social elite. Ambitious young Scotsmen joined the Imperial Civil Service, or they went to an English university, or to one of the Inns of Court, in order to practise law in London. As England’s prestige grew so did that of the common law. Its influence in Scotland became increasingly perceptible: in the works of the last of the institutional writers ([[institutional textbooks), George Joseph Bell, and other writings on Scots law as much as in the practice of the courts. English commercial law, in particular, was attributed a model character, and the (part) codifications of the Victorian age in that field were thus also made applicable to Scotland. Scottish businessmen were insistent that the law which governed their transactions should be modern and that it should be uniform throughout the United Kingdom; they were supported in this attitude by prominent Scottish lawyers. But the [[reception of English concepts and ideas extended far beyond commercial law, to areas as diverse as trust law, breach of contract, liability among neighbours, and many others.

4. The profile of the professor

Almost two million people emigrated between 1830 and 1914; a further 600,000 went to England. They were often spectacularly successful. At the same time, this massive ‘brain drain’ meant that Scotland itself was increasingly becoming a backward province of the United Kingdom, a land of grouse shooting and folklore. The Church of Scotland, which was the most important symbol of national identity after the dissolution of the Scots Parliament in 1707, split in 1843. The standard of education in the home universities also dropped. According to the Journal of Jurisprudence, in 1866, of the four Scottish universities, only Edinburgh could claim to have a reasonably complete faculty of law. In Glasgow there were only two incumbents of chairs, in Aberdeen merely one, and legal education had long since been abandoned in St Andrews. Many professors were members of the Faculty of Advocates and continued to practise. They were part-time professors who instructed part-time students in lectures that took place outside normal office hours. Although in the second half of the 19th century there were also professors who had studied in Germany and who were therefore concerned to elevate the prestige of legal education, the members of the law faculties generally occupied a low position in the hierarchy of the legal professions. They were essentially regarded as teachers and not really as legal scholars. To most Scottish lawyers the concept of legal science had presumably become altogether alien: another sign of the dominance of English legal culture in the United Kingdom.

5. Reaction

It was only towards the middle of the 20th century that a reaction against the English domination occurred. Lawyers in Scotland became aware, once again, of the independence of Scots law and its historical roots in continental European civil law, and they began to build the institutional foundations for a modern legal culture conforming to contemporary academic standards. The study of law was transformed into a full-time course through the reform of legal education in the 1960s. This brought the universities to the forefront of legal instruction, ahead of the professional bodies. A fifth law faculty (Strathclyde) was added to the four which already existed. The number of students expanded as did the number of lecturers and professors who now devoted all of their time to research and teaching (2,218 law students in the 1990/91 academic year as against only 490 in 1938/39; 190 university teachers in Scottish law faculties in the academic year 1994/95 compared to 26 in 1938/39). In 1965, a Scottish Law Commission was established; its remit was the preparation of legislative reform of Scots law. Today, the independence of Scots law is securely established and, as a [[mixed legal system at the intersection between civil law and [[common law, it has begun to play an increasingly important role in contemporary comparative discourse.

6. A modern mixed legal system

The combination of influences is most striking in contract law. The mix of rules in Scots law mirrors that found in the [[Principles of European Contract Law and the Draft [[Common Frame of Reference to a remarkable extent: on the one hand, there is no doctrine of cause or consideration ([[indicia of seriousness), [[promises are binding without acceptance, contracting parties can confer rights on third parties ([[contract in favour of a third party) and [[specific performance is the creditor’s primary remedy; on the other hand, Scots law knows an essentially uniform notion of breach of contract, and it recognizes the doctrines of [[anticipatory breach, of the undisclosed principal ([[representation) and of [[undue influence.

In other areas of private law the mix is different. The Scots law of [[succession employs executors for the administration of the estate ([[testamentary execution) and has no concept of heirship in the civilian sense ([[devolution of the inheritance/universal succession) or unitary concept of unworthiness to inherit. However, [[freedom of testation is restricted by a rule derived from the jus relicti and legitim of Roman law which entitles widows and children to a fixed portion of the moveable estate ([[compulsory portion). Further, moveable and immovable assets receive differing treatment in succession. This distinction is attributable to the influence of feudalism on Scots law. It should be noted that the Scottish Law Commission recently proposed comprehensive reforms of the law of succession but it is not clear whether they will be implemented or not.

As might be expected, feudal land law (which survived, albeit in a somewhat atrophied condition, until 2004) also had a major influence on Scots property law, inspiring the widespread use of ‘real burdens’ which impose positive duties on landowners, and encouraging the separation of moveable and immovable property law. The latter tendency was reinforced by the Sale of Goods Acts of 1893 and 1979, which established a uniform regime to transfers of corporeal movables ([[transfer of title (moveable goods)) based on contracts of [[sale across the United Kingdom. Despite these incursions, the Scottish understanding of the basic principles of property law is clearly civilian, as the sharp distinction between real and personal rights, the emphasis on the right of ownership, and the adoption of the Roman rules on original acquisition demonstrate. Modern scholarship has driven a reassertion and development of these underlying civilian principles. However, the property provisions in the Draft Common Frame of Reference bear much less resemblance to Scots law than their contract counterparts. For further characterization of Scottish private law see [[mixed legal systems.

7. Modern academic literature

A sign of the new vitality of Scots law is the body of modern academic literature. In the 19th century the works of George Joseph Bell and John Erskine were used more than any others; the 10th and last edition of Bell’s Principles of the Law of Scotland appeared in 1899, and Erskine’s Principles of the Law of Scotland was reissued yet again in 1911 (21st edn). Erskine was finally displaced by William Murray Gloag and Robert Candlish Henderson’s Introduction to the Law of Scotland. This work appeared in 1927 and became, in the course of time, the most successful publication in Scottish legal literature.

The modern era essentially begins with Thomas Brown Smith, who not only composed a great and somewhat idiosyncratic survey in his Short Commentary on the Law of Scotland (1962) but was also the intellectual father of two large-scale publication projects. These are, on the one hand, an encyclopedia of Scots law in 25 volumes which appeared between 1987 and 1996; and, on the other, the foundation of the Scottish Universities Law Institute (SULI). The task of the latter was (and remains to the present day) to plan and coordinate the publication of modern authoritative textbooks on the main areas of Scots law. Many of the works originating from it are of a very high standard, and some have, in the meantime, appeared in their second or third editions. Nevertheless it is peculiar that the first book on property as a unitary area of law only appeared in the 1990s, and the first volume of the first major textbook on the law of [[unjustified enrichment in 2003. To this day there is no comprehensive treatment of the Scots law of succession. The market for Scottish legal literature is dominated by one publisher (W Green, founded in 1875, now part of the Thomson Reuters group), although in recent years, Edinburgh University Press has begun to establish itself (following the example of Oxford University Press) as a publishing house with a decidedly scholarly programme with international impact.

The regular publication of decisions of the higher courts in Scotland (the Court of Session in civil matters and the High Court of the Justiciary in criminal matters) dates back to the mid-19th century; the standard modern reports, the Session Cases (cited by the name of the chief reporter until 1906) first appeared in 1821.

Literature. Thomas Brown Smith, Studies Critical and Comparative (1962); Peter Stein, Roman Law in Scotland, Ius Romanum Medii Aevi, Pars V, 13b (1968); David M Walker (ed), The Scottish Jurists (1985); Sir Thomas Smith and others (eds), The Laws of Scotland, Stair Memorial Encyclopedia, vols 1–25 (1987 ff—since 1999 a number of articles have been revised); David M Walker, A Legal History of Scotland, vol I (1988), vol II (1990), vol III (1995), vol IV (1996), vol V (1998), vol VI (2001), vol VII (2004); Robin Evans-Jones (ed), The Civil Law Tradition in Scotland (1995); David L Carey Miller and Reinhard Zimmermann (eds), The Civilian Tradition and Scots Law: Aberdeen Quincentenary Essays (1997); Kenneth Reid and Reinhard Zimmermann (eds), A History of Private Law in Scotland, 2 vols (2000); Elspeth Reid and David L Carey Miller (eds), A Mixed Legal System in Transition: TB Smith and the Progress of Scots Law (2005); Lord Coulsfield and Hector L MacQueen (eds), Gloag and Henderson: Introduction to the Law of Scotland (12th edn, 2007). Sources. Regiam Majestatem, The Auld Lawes and Constitutions of Scotland, collected by John Skene of Curriehill (1609), ed and trans in a new edition by Lord Cooper of Culross, Stair Society, vol 11 (1947); Sir Thomas Craig of Riccarton, Jus Feudale (1st edn, 1655), 3rd edn, ed by J Baillie, 1732, trans Lord Clyde, 1934; James Dalrymple, Viscount Stair, Institutions of the Law of Scotland (1st edn, 1681), (2nd edn, 1693) (re-edited by D M Walker, 1981); Sir George Mackenzie of Rosehaugh, The Institutions of the Law of Scotland (1st edn, 1684), (8th edn, 1758); Andrew McDouall, Lord Bankton, An Institute of the Laws of Scotland in Civil Rights (1751–53) (reprinted by the Stair Society, vols 41–43, 1993–95); John Erskine of Carnock, Principles of the Law of Scotland (1st edn, 1754), 21st edn ed by J Rankine, 1911; John Erskine of Carnock, An Institute of the Law of Scotland (1773), 8th edn ed by JB Nicholson, 1871 (reprinted 1989); Baron David Hume, Lectures 1786–1822, ed by GCH Paton, Stair Society, vols 5, 13, 15, 17–19 (1939–58); George Joseph Bell, Commentaries on the Law of Scotland and on the Principles of Mercantile Jurisprudence (2nd edn, 1810), 7th edn by J M’Laren, 1890 (reprinted 1990); George Joseph Bell, Principles of the Law of Scotland (1st edn, 1829), 10th edn ed by W Guthrie, 1899 (reprinted 1989).

[[Reinhard Zimmermann and John MacLeod

Securities[[Financial Instruments

= Security Interests in Transport  Vehicles

1. Transport vehicles as collateral

Transport vehicles such as airplanes, ships and railway rolling stock typically are extremely valuable assets, which are financed on the basis of credit and which are particularly well suited because of their value to serve as collateral. In order to give such goods as security for a loan, they need to be encumbered with a real right. According to the practically universally accepted lex rei sitae rule of [[private international law (PIL), the prerequisites and the effects of security interests in movables are determined by the law where the object is situated at the time at which the right is established or sought to be enforced ([[property law (international)). However, security rights in transport vehicles are by the very nature of the collateral especially susceptible to a constant change of the applicable law. Considering the varied nature of national security interest laws, it would hardly be possible, or indeed not at all possible, to use transport vehicles internationally as collateral without special rules. That is why, both in the area of conflict of laws as well as in property law, there exist special, partly standardized international rules.

2. Conflict of laws

At the level of conflict of laws there exist in Germany special rules for certain kinds of transport vehicles (see Art 45 of the Introductory Act to the Civil Code (Einführungsgesetz zum Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuche—(EGBGB)) as well as state treaty rules for airplanes, which prevail over national conflict rules. In English law, the basic lex situs rule applies to transport vehicles as to movables in general (but see exceptions at b) below).

a) International agreements

The relevant international treaty for airplanes is the Convention on the International Recognition of Rights in Aircraft, signed at Geneva on 19 June 1948. According to Art 1(1) of the Convention certain security interests which are effective and registered in a contracting state must be recognized by all other contracting states. In Germany, the provisions of the Convention were incorporated into national law by ss 103–106, Gesetz über Rechte an Luftfahrzeugen (Law on Security Rights in Airplanes). These rules expand Art 1(1) of the Convention so that not only airplanes registered in signatory states of the Convention, but rather all airplanes are covered. Other contracting states of the Convention are, inter alia, France, Greece, Italy and the United States, but not the United Kingdom.

The International Convention on Maritime Liens and Mortgages, which was signed on 6 May 1993, came into force on 5 September 2004 and now has 11 members. It was signed but never ratified by Germany. The United Kingdom has neither signed nor ratified the Convention. Member States include Spain, Estonia, Lithuania and the Russian Federation. For the application of the treaty it is not necessary for the ship to be registered in a Member State (Art 13(1) of the Convention). The treaty applies to all ships which are the subject of litigation in a Member State. The treaty sets up rules for the recognition and ranking of foreign ship mortgages by Member States (Art 1(f)), establishes several basic rules for the compulsory auction of ships (Art 11(f)) and determines the relationship between the rights of creditors and registered ship mortgages (Art 4). Ship creditor rights are unregistered property rights which arise by virtue of the law to secure financial claims resulting from the operation of the ship.

b) Application of national conflict rules

The national German conflict of laws rules contained in Art 45(1)1 EGBGB provide for a special connecting factor for property rights in relation to transport vehicles, which can be easily, reliably and objectively determined using the principle of closest relationship. Rights in airplanes, ships and trains are therefore subject to the law of the country of origin, which is determined by the nationality in the case of airplanes, by the place of registration in the case of ships and by the place of licensing in the case of railway rolling stock (see Art 45(1)2 EGBGB). Similar rules for determining the applicable law exist in Belgium (Art 89 Belgian Private International Law Code); Estonia (s 22 Estonian Private International Law Code); the Netherlands (Art 2, paras 2–3 Wet conflictenrecht goederenrecht); Austria (s 33 Austrian Private International Law Code); Spain (Art 10(2)1 [[Código civil); and Turkey (Art 22 Turkish Private International Law Code).

English law provides no special conflicts rule for transport vehicles, so that the applicable law depends on the situs of the object. Since no national law can be applied when a vehicle is not on or above national territory, a ship is deemed to be situated at her port of registry when the vessel is upon the high seas. Likewise, an aircraft is deemed to be at its country of registration when it is in fact over the high seas or over (or on) territory which is not under the sovereignty of any state.

For the creation of legal security interests, the applicable law is the law of the place where the debt arose, following Art 45(2)1 EGBGB, rather than the law of the state of origin. If there are several competing contractual or security interests, they are ranked according to the lex situs at the moment of enforcement of the security interest (Art 45(2)2 EGBGB).

Article 45 EGBGB does not apply to other means of transport, such as automobiles. The German legislature decided that the determination of the applicable law would be made according to the location of the vehicle, and thereby stuck to the fundamental lex situs rule set out in Art 43(1) EGBGB. Similarly in Spain, the applicable law for automobiles and other street vehicles according to Art 10(2)2 → Código civil is the law of the place where the vehicles are located.

= 3. Convention on international interests in mobile equipment, of 16 November 2001 (Cape Town Convention)

Under the auspices of the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law ([[UNIDROIT), the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment was concluded on 16 November 2001 in Cape Town. It came into force on 1 March 2006 and already applies to 44 states, among them the United States, Ireland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and the European Community. The United Kingdom and Germany, as well as several other European countries (eg France, Italy and Switzerland) have signed the agreement but not ratified it. On 28 April 2009 the European Community acceded to the Convention as an organization under Art 48, and its membership came into force on 1 August 2009. Membership of the European Community, in addition to membership by individual EC Member States, was necessary because the Community had legislative competence in several areas covered by the Convention ([[legislative competence of the EU).

a) Objects of the Convention

The Convention creates a uniform international security interest which is recognized as such equally in all contracting states and which is effective in security and insolvency cases without the necessity of determining the applicable law. Non-unified national laws only intervene in areas not covered by the Convention, such as, for example, the possibility for an insolvency administrator to challenge the granting of a security right in the case of fraud (actio pauliana). The Convention contains general rules addressing, inter alia, the creation of security rights, their effects, the relationship between different security rights in the same collateral and jurisdiction. These regulations are applicable regardless of what kind of means of transport is encumbered. They are supplemented and partly adapted by supplementary protocols which were negotiated separately for each individual kind of vehicle. Both the framework convention and the additional protocols are to be read and interpreted together as a single convention, according to Art 6 of the Convention, whereby the Protocol prevails if there is any inconsistency between the two sets of rules. To date there exist supplementary protocols for aircraft equipment and railway rolling stock. The former came into force on 1 March 2006; the latter will only come into force after ratification by four states and the certification of a functional international register. The EC Council’s decision to accede to the Convention included the Aircraft Equipment Protocol. Further additional protocols, for space equipment and mining equipment, as well as for agricultural equipment and construction equipment, are intended to follow.

b) Application of the Convention

For the application of the Convention, it is important, according to Art 3, that the debtor is situated in a contracting state at the time of conclusion of the agreement creating the international security interest. Both the place of business of the creditor and the location of the object are irrelevant.

The security interest is created by a written agreement between the parties, under Art 7, and is effective from that moment onwards. The parties may agree on the creation of a security interest, a retention of title or a leasing contract. For each of these three types of security interests, in order to become effective vis-à-vis third parties, particularly against the insolvency administrator, it must be perfected (registered) under Art 29(f). The ranking of the security in respect of other registered security interests is determined by the time of registration. Registered interests have priority over non-registered interests. It does not matter whether or not the creditor had notice of existing security interests. Furthermore, according to Art 29(3) a purchaser for value without notice is nevertheless subject to the registered interest.

c) Registration

Registration is to take place in a special international register which is only electronic and is held separately for each type of vehicle. The framework Convention includes general rules for the organization of the register whereas the additional protocols contain specific rules for different kinds of equipment. Access to the register is available both for new entries as well as for internet searches. It follows that material information, upon which the effectiveness of a security right in other respects depends, is not checked by the registrar. It is not necessary to submit copies of the contractual documents; rather, the provision of certain information about the collateral and the parties to the security agreement suffices. Registration can be made under Art 20(1) of the Convention by either party to the agreement with written assent of the other party. After the complete entry of the required data and their acceptance by the system, the registration is effective. The entry remains effective until it is deleted or until a predetermined removal date set at the time of registration. According to Art 22 of the Convention anyone may search the register. It must, however, be remembered that the register is asset-based, so that entries of security interests must be identified by serial numbers or other identification numbers pertaining to the collateral.

d) Additional protocol for aircraft equipment

According to Art 2(3)(a) of the Convention, taken together with Art 1(1) and (2)(b), (e) of the Protocol, parts of an airplane or helicopter, airframes or engines may be the object of a security interest, but not a complete airplane. This conforms to the needs of practice. It is not unusual for engines to be removed and subjected to separate transactions. The Protocol makes explicit the rules of the Convention regarding the rights of the creditor in case of default or insolvency and partly modifies them, setting out additional rules on the possibility of agency. It also contains some technicalities on the registration procedure. The register is available on the internet at <http://>. It is supervised by the [[International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), which participated in the creation of the Protocol. The register has its seat in Dublin and is managed as a joint venture between a private firm and the Irish government.

e) Additional Protocol for railway rolling stock

The latest additional Protocol is applicable with respect to charges on rolling stock. According to Art 1(2)(e) of the Protocol, this includes moveable railway vehicles plus all equipment necessary for running them. The additional Protocol includes simplified requirements for the identification of the collateral object in the security interest agreement, but it nevertheless requires that the entry in the register be unequivocal as to the object of the security interest. The concept is due to the fact that railway equipment, unlike airplane equipment, does not always have identification numbers. The Protocol furthermore contains specific rules on the rights of the secured creditor in the event of the debtor’s insolvency.

The establishment, running and supervision of the register for railway rolling stock will be under the auspices of an institution created by the contracting states, as the Intergovernmental Organisation for International Carriage by Rail (OTIF) does not operate worldwide. The seat of the new institution is anticipated to be Luxembourg.

4. Security interests in airplanes in national law

As many states have not yet ratified the Cape Town Convention and its adjacent Protocols, security interests in airplanes are still created under autonomous national law. In German law, the Law on Security Rights in Airplanes provides in s 1 that an aircraft registered in the Aircraft Register can be used to secure a claim, creating a registered lien. What are required according to s 5 para 1 of that law is the agreement of the parties and entry of the security interest in the Register for Liens on Aircraft. The regulations of the Law on Security Rights in Airplanes mirror those of immovable property in the [[Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch. Only aircraft registered in the Aircraft Register may be subject to a lien.

According to English law, an aircraft which is registered in the United Kingdom may be used as collateral for a loan or other valuable consideration (Art 3 Mortgaging of Aircraft Order 1972). The mortgage may be registered in the Register of Aircraft Mortgages which is kept by the Civil Aviation Authority. The mortgage will also be effective without registration (Art 13 Mortgaging of Aircraft Order 1972), but registration is crucial to determine the priority between two or more existing mortgages. Registered mortgages have priority over unregistered ones whether or not the secured creditor had knowledge of the unregistered mortgage (Art 14(1), Mortgaging of Aircraft Order 1972). Between two registered mortgages priority is determined by the date of registration (Art 14(2), Mortgaging of Aircraft Order 1972). Another issue is registration under company law. Typically, the aircraft will be the property of a company registered in the United Kingdom. Therefore, a charge over it has to be registered at Companies House (s 860(7)(h) Companies Act 2006).

Under French law, aircraft can serve as collateral according to the Civil Aviation Code (Code de l’aviation civile, amended by Ordonnance n° 2010-1307) and the Transportation Code (Code des transports). Provided that the aircraft has been logged in the aircraft register maintained by the Ministry of Aviation, Art L.121-2 Code de l’aviation civile, a so-called hypothèque aérienne, a security right that is essentially a non-possessory pledge, may be created according to Art L. 6122-1 Code des transports. The contract is to be in writing, Art L.6122-2 Code des transports, and will only be perfected if logged in the aircraft register, Art L.6122-8 Code des transports. The date of registration is crucial whenever an aircraft is encumbered with more than one security right, so that antecedent pledges take priority over subsequent ones, Art L.6122-10 Code des transports. The security right will lose effect after ten years if not renewed, Art L.6122-11 Code des transports.

A special security interest in airplanes exists furthermore in Italian law (Arts 1027 ff Codice della navigazione). In the Netherlands a registered aircraft may be subject to a hypotheek (Arts 3:227 ff Burgerlijk Wetboek). Belgian law has no special rules to create a security interest in an airplane. The creditor only has available either the—rather impractical—possessory pledge (gage/ pand) or a registered non-possessory pledge over the debtor’s business (gage sur fonds de commerce/pand handelszaak).

5. Security interests in ships in national law

The substantive legal requirements for creating security interests over ships are to be found in the respective national legal systems, in Germany in the Act on Rights over Registered Ships (Gesetz über Rechte an eingetragenen Schiffen und Schiffsbauwerken). Mortgages can be created over ships which are registered in the ships’ register of a German court. The rules pertaining to mortgages over ships mirror those dealing with mortgages over land. In English law, rules on the registration of mortgages over certain types of registered ships are to be found in the Merchant Shipping Act 1995 and the Merchant Shipping (Registration of Ships) Regulations 1993. A security interest in unregistered ships can be created by way of a regular charge or mortgage. The aforementioned statutes create a centralized Shipping Mortgage Register for different kinds of ships, eg fishing vessels or bareboat charter ships. Registration of the mortgage in the ships’ register is not a precondition for the effectiveness of the mortgage, but it is, again, crucial for the determination of priority.

French law includes the hypothèque maritime and the hypothèque fluviale. The first serves to create security interests in vessels used for maritime navigation, according to the rules provided by the Décret n°67-967 du 27 octobre 1967 relatif au statut des navires et autres bâtiments de mer, notably in Art 13 through Art 25. By contrast, the hypothèque fluviale is used to encumber vessels undertaking inland water navigation. The formerly relevant regulations of the Code du domaine public fluvial et de navigation intérieure were abolished in 2010 by Ordonnance n° 2010-1307, instead the pledge will henceforth be created in accordance with Art L.4122-1 – Art L.4122-10 Transportation Code (Code des transports). Both pledges only gain effectiveness as against third parties if entered into a special register, which for the hypothèque maritime is kept by the local customs authority and in the case of the hypothèque fluviale by the local commercial court.

Other European jurisdictions also provide for special security rights over ships, see eg Italy (Arts 565 ff Codice della navigazione) and Belgium (Arts 25–42 [[Code de commerce, Livre II, Wetboek van Koophandel, Boek II). In the Netherlands, just as for aircraft, a hypotheek (Arts 3:227 ff Burgerlijk Wetboek) can be created.

6. Security interests in motor-driven vehicles in national law

Some jurisdictions recognize special security rights over motor vehicles whereas others submit them to the same rules as ordinary movables. Examples of the latter category are Germany and England. In Germany, credit is usually granted against a security transfer of ownership of the car. In England, the non-possessory mortgage or charge may be used. Italy and France are examples of the first category. The Italian automobile mortgage (privilegio sull’autoveiculo, under Arts 12, 14, 16, 21 Regio decreto-legge No. 436 del 15 marzo 1927) is a non-possessory lien which must be separately registered in addition to registration in the motor vehicle register. The mortgage is also entered into the foglio complementare that contains information about the first owner, transfers of ownership and car mortgages. In France, the seller of a vehicle or the purchaser on credit can create a special security interest called a gage sur véhicule automobile (Arts 2351–2353 [[Code civil). This is a non-possessory security right created by registration with the motor vehicle registration authority.

Literature. Ulrich Drobnig and Konrad Zweigert, Das Statut der Schiffsgläubigerrechte, Zeitschrift für Versicherungsrecht, Haftungs- und Schadensrecht (1971) 581; Ulrich Drobnig, ‘Vorschlag einer besonderen sachenrechtlichen Kollisionsnorm für Transportmittel’ in Dieter Henrich (ed), Vorschläge und Gutachten zur Reform des deutschen internationalen Sachen- und Immaterialgüterrechts (1991) 13; Beate Czerwenka, ‘Internationales Übereinkommen von 1993 über Schiffsgläubigerrechte und Schiffshypotheken’, TranspR (1994) 213; Christoph Henrichs, ‘Das Übereinkommen über internationale Sicherungsrechte an beweglicher Ausrüstung’ [2003] IPRax 210; Karl Kreuzer, ‘Internationale Mobiliarsicherungsrechte an Luftfahrzeugausrüstung’ in Festschrift Peter Schlechtriem (2003) 869; Matthias Reuleaux, Sicherungsrechte an Flugzeugtriebwerken, Die Zeitschrift für Bankrecht und Bankwirtschaft (2005) 354; Ronald CC Cuming, ‘The International Registry for Interests in Aircraft’ [2006] Uniform Law Review 18; Hugh Beale, Michael Bridge, Louise Gullifer and Eva Lomnicka, The Law of Personal Property Security (2007); Roy Goode, Cape Town Convention and Aircraft Protocol (2008); Roy Goode, Cape Town Convention and Luxembourg Protocol (2008).

Retrieved from Scottish Private Law – Max-EuP 2012 on 26 January 2025.

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