How to use

From Max-EuP 2012
Revision as of 13:29, 6 October 2021 by Admin (talk | contribs) (→‎Search)


The search field in Max-EuP2012 enables search methods known from platforms such as Wikipedia:

  • Queries are made via a search bar and are activated by pressing the enter key or by clicking on the magnifying glass symbol.
  • As word input progresses, the search function suggests all matching keywords available in the work.
  • Do not distinguish between upper- and lower-case characters.
  • The search function uses whole words. Thus, a search for jurisdiction will not return hits for pages that contain only the word jurisdictional.
  • Only pages containing all entered search terms will be found.
  • Word components can be searched for by using a truncation character (*). Thus, a search for jurisdiction* will return hits for jurisdictional.
  • Phrases or word groups can be searched for with quotation marks. This function works only with whole words. The use of truncation characters and quotation marks cannot be combined. Thus, “conflict of law” and “conflict of law*” will not return hits for conflict of laws.

Internal References

The systematic linking of all entries functions as follows:

  • Cross-references to other keywords are highlighted in the text and can be accessed by clicking on them.
  • Reverse references to the displayed keyword can be displayed and called up via the menu item "Tools / Links to this page".
  • When a keyword is also available in a German language version (HWB-EuP 2012), the corresponding entry can be retrieved via the menu option "In Other Languages".

Retrieved from How to use – Max-EuP 2012 on 07 March 2025.

Terms of Use

The Max Planck Encyclopedia of European Private Law, published as a print work in 2012, has been made freely available in 2021 as an online edition at <>.

The materials published here are subject to exclusive rights of use as held by the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law and the publisher Oxford University Press; they may only be used for non-commercial purposes. Users may download, print, and make copies of the text files being made freely available to the public. Further, users may translate excerpts of the entries and cite them in the context of academic work, provided that the following requirements are met:

  • Use for non-commercial purposes
  • The textual integrity of each entry and its elements is maintained
  • Citation of the online reference according to academic standards, indicating the author, keyword title, work name, and date of retrieval (see Suggested Citation Style).